
Joe Smith

Hi, I'm  Joe Smith

I am 66 years old Masters Triple Jumper and Long Jumper.  I have a long history of being a Master's Jumper.  Prior to that I was the silver medalist in my senior year of high school in the 1974 Nebraska State championships High School Track and Field Championships.  In college, I obtained the silver medal in the triple jump in indoor and outdoor Western Athletic Conference (WAC) championships in 1982 and 1985.  At BYU I am currently ranked as one of the top 10 triple jumpers in BYU history (# 7  Indoor TJ 15.43 m, 50 ft 8 inches; outdoor TJ 15.54 m, 50 ft 11 3/4). My 1st master's track and field meet was 27 years ago at the age of 35 at the Indoor Masters National Championship at Columbus Missouri , March 25, 1994.  I got the gold medal in the triple jump and placed forth in the long jump.  My triple jump mark was 13.37 meters (43 feet 10.38 inches) and my long jump mark was 6.27 (20 feet 9 inches).  I won the the M35 Triple jump by by just 2 cm.  I had the honor of being a head track and field coach at College Park Middle school, and high jump coach at Snohomish HS in Snohomish  and Edmonds Woodway High School in Lynnwood and Edmond Washington.

Now fast forward 27 years; I am a master's jumper with 9 national championships and three successful world competitions under my belt.  I have participated in the long jump, high jump, triple jump and indoor pentathlon.  I gotten silver medals in the 2002 World Master's Senior Games in Melbourne Australia, 1st and 2nd in the M60 TJ and LJ at the 2016 Americas Master Games. Two years later, I placed 7th and 9th in the M60 triple jump and long jump at the 2018 World Master l Championships in Malaga Spain. And in 2022 got the bronze medal in triple jump at the Masters World Championships in Tampere Finland. I just recently completed in the World Masters Indoor championship in Turon Poland and Got 6 in the LJ and 5th in the TJ. I am headed to Finland again in July of 2023 to complete in the European Masters National Championships. I am proud to represent jumpers who feel like they deserve more attention and press for all of their hard work and amazing accomplishments. I dedicate this forum to all of the 'bad ass' triple and long jumpers, to all the 'brave and sexy' pole vaulters, high jumpers, sprinters and distance runners who give it all at competitions around the world while maintaining their work and family life.

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